A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2236

Chapter 2236


Olivia called out quietly, “Dad”

Mark’s gaze shifted to his younger daughter. His voice was soft and gentle.

“It’s cold; get inside.”

Olivia, however, refused to go inside. She moved closer and carefully embraced Mark’s arm, pleading, “Dad, you come inside too.”

Mark usually showed great fondness for Olivia. His study still housed that little red princess house where Olivia, even grown up, would sometimes crawl into. But now, he simply patted his daughter’s hand.

“Go inside,” he insisted.

Sensing the firmness in his tone, Olivia did not dare to insist further.

She let go and turned to look at Edwin.

Under the same moonlight, her brother appeared as handsome as their father, his eyes showing the same resolute expression.


Fear suddenly gripped Olivia.

After she left, Mark indifferently flicked the ash off his cigarette.

“Did you see her? What did she say?” he asked.

Edwin walked closer, a faint smile on his Lips.

“You already know, don’t you?” he said.

Mark scoffed.

“Have you made up your mind to be with her? Did you ask if she also wants this? Don’t get carried away and end up with nothing.”

Edwin remained silent, his lips pressed together.

Mark continued, saying, “Hah, you’re jealous of her new boyfriend, huh? How immature!”

Edwin, skilled at reading people, noticed his father’s annoyance but also a softening in his stance.

He relaxed slightly.

“A man doesn’t live on his physique alone. So what he has some muscles? That doesn’t make him a great man,” he remarked.

Mark eyed his son.

“Maybe Laura just likes that type,” he said.

Then, stubbing out his cigarette, he added, “You’re not young anymore.

